Map Timeline FTP Forum Wiki


Date Event
-3000 The Mablani Bone Script is created.
400 The Sazai script is created, based off the old bone script.
784 The Denjwaihipuuŋ is formed on Acha.
926 The Denjwaihipuuŋ begin making outposts on the mainland.
1222 The Denjwaihipuuŋ become the dominant trading company in the Taarunian islands.
1587 Acha conquers the final Taarunian island, forming the Empire of Dwarhug.
1603 The Denjwaihipuuŋ is merged with several other trading companies in the Dwarhug Empire, creating the Dwārhugpyurhiñç.

Last Updated: 11/8/2022 4:17am EST