Module:Color contrast/colors: Difference between revisions
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en>Galobtter m (Changed protection level for "Module:Color contrast/colors": High-risk Lua module ([Edit=Require template editor access] (indefinite) [Move=Require template editor access] (indefinite))) |
m (1 revision imported) |
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Latest revision as of 00:22, 15 August 2022
File:Ambox warning orange.svg | This Lua module is used on approximately 487,000 pages, or roughly 38929% of all pages. To avoid major disruption and server load, any changes should be tested in the module's /sandbox or /testcases subpages, or in your own module sandbox. The tested changes can be added to this page in a single edit. Consider discussing changes on the talk page before implementing them. |
File:Full-protection-shackle.svg | This module is subject to page protection. It is a highly visible module in use by a very large number of pages, or is substituted very frequently. Because vandalism or mistakes would affect many pages, and even trivial editing might cause substantial load on the servers, it is protected from editing. |
This module contains the relative luminance of HTML colors. It is used in Module:Color contrast.
return { aliceblue = 0.92880068253475, antiquewhite = 0.84646951707754, aqua = 0.7874, aquamarine = 0.8078549208338, azure = 0.97265264954166, beige = 0.8988459998705, bisque = 0.80732327372979, black = 0, blanchedalmond = 0.85084439608156, blue = 0.0722, blueviolet = 0.12622014321946, brown = 0.098224287876511, burlywood = 0.51559844533893, cadetblue = 0.29424681085422, chartreuse = 0.76032025902623, chocolate = 0.23898526114557, coral = 0.37017930872924, cornflowerblue = 0.30318641994179, cornsilk = 0.93562110372965, crimson = 0.16042199953026, cyan = 0.7874, darkblue = 0.018640801980939, darkcyan = 0.20329317839046, darkgoldenrod = 0.27264703559993, darkgray = 0.39675523072563, darkgreen = 0.091143429047575, darkgrey = 0.39675523072563, darkkhaki = 0.45747326349994, darkmagenta = 0.07353047651207, darkolivegreen = 0.12651920884889, darkorange = 0.40016167026524, darkorchid = 0.13413142174857, darkred = 0.054889674531132, darksalmon = 0.40541471563381, darkseagreen = 0.43789249325969, darkslateblue = 0.065792846227988, darkslategray = 0.067608151928044, darkslategrey = 0.067608151928044, darkturquoise = 0.4874606277449, darkviolet = 0.10999048339343, deeppink = 0.23866895828276, deepskyblue = 0.44481603395575, dimgray = 0.14126329114027, dimgrey = 0.14126329114027, dodgerblue = 0.27442536991456, firebrick = 0.10724525535015, floralwhite = 0.95922484825004, forestgreen = 0.18920812076002, fuchsia = 0.2848, gainsboro = 0.71569350050648, ghostwhite = 0.94311261886323, gold = 0.69860877428159, goldenrod = 0.41919977809569, gray = 0.2158605001139, green = 0.15438342968146, greenyellow = 0.80609472611453, grey = 0.2158605001139, honeydew = 0.96336535554782, hotpink = 0.34658438169715, indianred = 0.21406134963884, indigo = 0.03107561486337, ivory = 0.99071270600615, khaki = 0.77012343394121, lavender = 0.80318750514521, lavenderblush = 0.90172748631046, lawngreen = 0.73905893124963, lemonchiffon = 0.94038992245622, lightblue = 0.63709141280807, lightcoral = 0.35522120733135, lightcyan = 0.94587293494829, lightgoldenrodyellow = 0.93348351018297, lightgray = 0.65140563741982, lightgreen = 0.69091979956865, lightgrey = 0.65140563741982, lightpink = 0.58566152734898, lightsalmon = 0.4780675225206, lightseagreen = 0.35050145117042, lightskyblue = 0.56195637618331, lightslategray = 0.23830165007287, lightslategrey = 0.23830165007287, lightsteelblue = 0.53983888284666, lightyellow = 0.98161818392882, lime = 0.7152, limegreen = 0.44571042246098, linen = 0.88357340984379, magenta = 0.2848, maroon = 0.045891942324215, mediumaquamarine = 0.49389703310801, mediumblue = 0.044077780212328, mediumorchid = 0.21639251153773, mediumpurple = 0.22905858091648, mediumseagreen = 0.34393112338131, mediumslateblue = 0.20284629471622, mediumspringgreen = 0.70704308194184, mediumturquoise = 0.5133827926448, mediumvioletred = 0.14371899849357, midnightblue = 0.02071786635086, mintcream = 0.97834604947588, mistyrose = 0.82183047859185, moccasin = 0.80083000991567, navajowhite = 0.76519682342785, navy = 0.015585128108224, oldlace = 0.91900633405549, olive = 0.20027537200568, olivedrab = 0.22593150951929, orange = 0.4817026703631, orangered = 0.25516243753416, orchid = 0.31348806761439, palegoldenrod = 0.78792647887614, palegreen = 0.77936759006353, paleturquoise = 0.76436077921714, palevioletred = 0.28754994117889, papayawhip = 0.87797100199835, peachpuff = 0.74905589878251, peru = 0.30113074877936, pink = 0.63271070702466, plum = 0.45734221587969, powderblue = 0.68254586500605, purple = 0.061477070432439, rebeccapurple = 0.07492341159447, red = 0.2126, rosybrown = 0.32319457649407, royalblue = 0.16663210743188, saddlebrown = 0.097922285020521, salmon = 0.36977241527596, sandybrown = 0.46628543696283, seagreen = 0.19734199706275, seashell = 0.92737862206922, sienna = 0.13697631337098, silver = 0.52711512570581, skyblue = 0.55291668518184, slateblue = 0.14784278062136, slategray = 0.20896704076536, slategrey = 0.20896704076536, snow = 0.96533341834849, springgreen = 0.73052306068529, steelblue = 0.20562642207625, tan = 0.48237604163921, teal = 0.16996855778968, thistle = 0.56818401093733, tomato = 0.30638612719415, turquoise = 0.5895536427578, violet = 0.40315452986676, wheat = 0.74909702820482, white = 1, whitesmoke = 0.91309865179342, yellow = 0.9278, yellowgreen = 0.50762957208707, }